Divoi has created an optimized workspace to encourage interaction between employees. The team has designed this arrangement to the smallest details, from concept to installation systems. For them, the ability to innovate in their field of activity is a priority, and this has inspired them in drafting concepts of fitting. They have thus set out to create a unique workspace for them and future customers.
They have associated each floor with a distinct theme, encompassing each one in a broader concept. Open workspaces, training rooms, formal and informal halls, interview rooms, etc. - all have been linked through the “connectivity” principle, integrating brand new values: teamwork, customer focus, innovation and commitment.
The layout of the workspace has been designed to be in line with the company values, and the variety of workspaces makes employees never lack inspiration.
The company and its employees are fully aware that improving management is a key process for the proper functioning of the company. For this reason, employees and related employees have developed different actions with the goal, to be more efficient and responsible in the activity.
They firmly believe in the importance of urban regeneration in cities. For this reason, they consider that the best way to help is to change the information. Therefore, they developed energy audits that reveals the status of the buildings and their possible improvements.
Communication is essential to keep up a relationship of trust, so they make their accounts public as a sign of their commitment to transparency.
In market assessment, there is often a great potential for increasing turnover and, at the same time, potential for optimizing sales efforts. For effective sales performance management, it is crucial to have an overview of the customers and the market in which the company operates.
Segmenting and prioritizing damage, in rare cases, is becoming more and more necessary in this industry, but it applies differently from company to company. At the same time, product differentiation is a prerequisite for providing segmented services.
Office Fit Outs London helped Divoi become one of the most prominent companies in the realization and design of corporate furniture. Counting on one of the richest catalogs available on the market in corporate equipment, it offers pleasant and flexible working spaces in its use. Its recent developments are proof of the potential of the brand when it comes to taking on large-scale projects, which optimize work performance and offer high-tech offices.
The secret is combining the rigorous typical architecture of the buildings of the district with an environment that reflects the technological spirit of the company, according to the express requests of the client. Considering these aspects, Office Fit Outs London projects establish the division of spaces and furniture that give a differentiated character to each one and optimize its operation.
Through Commercial Fit Outs London, the company demonstrates that it is a customer-oriented one which believes that good design and efficient construction is an investment that will influence the productivity and efficiency of the organization. An adequate decision begins when you consult their team of professionals which are educated, trained, experienced and capable of a vision that will make your investment efficient and profitable from design to the end of construction.
The key to this process is given from the beginning of your investment, and the company can develop an advantageous location study, get involved with those responsible for methods and processes of your company to understand its operation, in this way you can provide creative solutions which will maximize its investment and will cause savings in design, construction and during its use or maintenance.
They put at your disposal a team of technicians specialized in the offices’ reforms and in case of starting the activity in a new location, the evaluation of sites, study of space needs, criteria of use of space, technical suitability of the facilities, adaptation to regulations, and so and so forth.
Finally, the goal of an analysis is to map and cluster all relevant marketing channels and sub-channels for a particular market so that new opportunities can be identified, action plans defined, and resource allocation optimized.
Divoi believes in the idea that the relationship with the client via Office fit outs London must be transparent. An example is to execute Commercial Fit Outs London under the system of open books, in which all the information is shared for mutual benefit.